Cameroon is a peaceful country located in Central, Africa. It has the best educational rate of sub-saharan Africa about 80%. Both Girls and boys go to school. Primary school education is free and compulsory for all. There are 7 publics universities and about 30 private univesities and high schools. Women and men have the same right. The country is in peace since 1960 after colonization by France. Cameroon is a bilingual country with both French and English. Mobil phone, internet café, TV are spread in the country. There are hospitals in all provinces , cities and districts, with main universities hospitals in Douala and Yaoundé . There are several private clinics in the country.
Cameroonian people are friendly and welcome. You can stay at people houses or in a hotel.
You can travel to Cameroon with AirFrance, Swiss airlines, Brussels Airlines, Kenyan Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines and Maroc Airlines.
There are ATMs in Daoula, Yaoundé, Bafang, Limbé, Buéa, Garoua and seveval cities in Cameroon, The Cameroonian money is FCFA, 1 Kr = 68 FCFA. Visa card can be used to witdraw money in the country. There is a Swedish consulate in Yaoundé.
Malaria prevention pills, bed net and yellow fever vaccination and needed.
There are severals beautiful places to visit
-Kribi and Limbé cities with beaches, pygmés villages, Waterfall Lobé, chienpanze house, fisher man village
– Yaoundé: Mokolo market, central market, centre culturel Francais, Museum, restaurants, soya market at Briketerie quater, Omnisport stadium, art market by women, women organizations,
– West Cameroon: chieftancy route, Bamoun Palace, waterfall mamy water in Dschang, Dschang market, Dschang lac municipal, Musée des chefferies, Musée des civilisations (Dschang), Mouakeu waterfall Bafang, Bandja /Bandjoun/Fouban chieftancies
– Makanéné market
– Mont Cameroon in Buea
– Limbé: Museum, beaches, park, Botanic garden, vulcan, wide life refuge
–SAFARI in Nord Cameroon: Park of Wasa (lions, giraffes,) hypopotamus in Garoua, lamidos, market
– Kapsiki, Rhumsiki
– Montains and market, museum, art center in Bameda
– Coffee farm in west and Moungo.
– Tea farm, bananas farm
General information and health situation
Cameroon is located in central Africa with a land area of 475 442 km2 and 18 millions inhabitants. The gross domestic product per capita is 1700 $ and gross primary school enrolment is about 90% with a resulting fairly high literacy rate of around 79% . The country has an economy more promising than other countries in the region, because of natural resources mainly oil, pipeline, bauxite, gas, wood, gold, and favourable agricultural conditions with coffee, cacao, cotton, bananas, groundnuts, cereals and roots. Urbanization rate is 52%, poverty rate is 32% and 51% of the population has water supply at home. The official languages are French and English, but there are over 130 ethnic groups in the country speaking dozens of languages. The climate is tropical with four seasons: two rainy seasons and two dry seasons.
There is one physician for 11848 inhabitants and the main prevalent diseases are malaria (55%), diarrhea diseases, tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. HIV rate is 5.5%. Vaccination coverage is 78%, 45%, 50% and 61% of the population for BCG (tuberculosis), DTCoq (diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough), polio and measles, respectively. Besides infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases mainly hypertension (24%), stroke, type 2 Diabetes mellitus (6%) and obesity (21 vs 15%, women and men, respectively) and some cancers are prevalent in the country.
Originally published July 2, 2010 by admin.